Projects in Blender (3D Models & Animation)

These include 3D models, animations, scenes, and games I have worked on by myself or with a group.
Thesre are all made in Blender by me. All references to any assets not made by me are in the README on Github. All projects are available in Github

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Tablle & Bottle Animation Project

This was a project for my Blender class. We were just learning animations and our assignment was to create an animation of a bottle falling off a table.
I decided to give a reason for the bottle falling, with a baseball breaking a window, knocking it into a TV, and shattering.

This was a project where I got a random, crazy idea that had more work than needed, but I went with it anyway to try to create something enjoyable and funny.

Wii Bowling Animation

This was for my final project for my Blender class.
We were split into groups and were able to create any animated scene we desired.
My group and I thought it would be funny to recreate bowling from Nintendo's Wii Sports when you fail to launch the ball correctly.

I was in charge of the project. I created the Mii models, the animations, the bowling lane gutters, as well as piecing everyone's contributions together.
One group member, my friend Eric, created the scoreboards and walls in the scene.
Another group member, Daniela, created the bowling ball and pins.
The last group memnber, Shane, created the floor for the bowling alley.

Robot Model & Animation

This was a personal side project of mine. I eventually want to get this little robot of mine into some game.

I did the modeling and animation on the side when I had no assignments to work on.

robot animation robot animation
robot animation robot animation

Martial Artist Model With Cloth Simulation

Martial Artis Model

This was another personal side project of mine.
I wanted to challenge myself, so I taught myslef the cloth simulation physics in Blender.
I decided to make a martial artist gi based on my own personal experience and hoped to use this model or an improved version in a future game idea of mine

Misc. Blender Projects

Miscellaneous smaller projects of mine with not much behind them other than made them in my free time.

Poke-ball Owlbert from Disney's The Owl House Porta-Hooty from Disney's The Owl House

Projects in Blender (3D Models & Animation)

These include 3D models, animations, scenes, and games I have worked on by myself or with a group.
Thesre are all made in Blender by me. All references to any assets not made by me are in the README on Github. All projects are available in Github

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Tablle & Bottle Animation Project

This was a project for my Blender class. We were just learning animations and our assignment was to create an animation of a bottle falling off a table.
I decided to give a reason for the bottle falling, with a baseball breaking a window, knocking it into a TV, and shattering.

This was a project where I got a random, crazy idea that had more work than needed, but I went with it anyway to try to create something enjoyable and funny.

Wii Bowling Animation

This was for my final project for my Blender class.
We were split into groups and were able to create any animated scene we desired.
My group and I thought it would be funny to recreate bowling from Nintendo's Wii Sports when you fail to launch the ball correctly.

I was in charge of the project. I created the Mii models, the animations, the bowling lane gutters, as well as piecing everyone's contributions together.
One group member, my friend Eric, created the scoreboards and walls in the scene.
Another group member, Daniela, created the bowling ball and pins.
The last group memnber, Shane, created the floor for the bowling alley.

Robot Model & Animation

robot animation robot animation
robot animation robot animation

This was a personal side project of mine. I eventually want to get this little robot of mine into some game.

I did the modeling and animation on the side when I had no assignments to work on.

Martial Artist Model With Cloth Simulation

Martial Artis Model

This was another personal side project of mine.
I wanted to challenge myself, so I taught myslef the cloth simulation physics in Blender.
I decided to make a martial artist gi based on my own personal experience and hoped to use this model or an improved version in a future game idea of mine

Misc. Blender Projects

Miscellaneous smaller projects of mine with not much behind them other than made them in my free time.

Poke-ball Owlbert from Disney's The Owl House
Porta-Hooty from Disney's The Owl House